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Item No. 461     Expedition Report    1926-09-05

Stewart Culin, Brooklyn Museum

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Abstract: Report on a Collecting Trip in Scotland, England, France, Czechoslovakia & Germany, 6-9/1926, pp. 139-140. Culin visits the British Museum's Ethnographic Hall and laments the lack of care taken, with objects crammed into dusty cases with no plan. However, he does note a carved wooden seat like one he bought from Oldman and shows interest in some Congo objects collected by Torday. He sees several object types from the Bushongo, Dahomey and Congo that are absent from the Brooklyn Museum collection. Culin has some reflective thoughts about his ill treatment by Dr. Maes in 1923, which he thinks may have been a jealous reaction to the Primitive Negro Art exhibition.

Source: Archives: Culin Archival Collection
Location: S01_02_01_036