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Browse by Artist: W

Wagner Manufacturing Company

Wagner, Gordon

Walden, Lionel

Waldo, Samuel Lovett

Walkowitz, Abraham

Wallabout Pottery

Walters, Carl

Waring, Laura

Warne and Letts

Warner Communication (Atari Division)

Warner, Olin Levi

Warren Mc Arthur Corporation

Warren Telechron Company

Watrous, Harry Wilson

Watson, John

Waugh, Frederick J.

Waverly Tool Company

Weber, Kem

Weber, Max

Weeks, Edwin Lord

Weir, Julian Alden

Weir, Robert Walter

Weller Pottery

West, Benjamin

Westclox, a division of Western Clock Co.

Wheelock, Warren

Wheete, Treva

Whipple, Richard

Whitehorse, Emmi

Whiting Manufacturing Company

Whitney, Isabel

Whittaker, John

Whittredge, Worthington

Wiegand, Gustave

Wiener, Ed

Wiggins, John

Wiley, Kehinde

Will, August

Will, Henry

Will, John

Will, William

Williams Foundry, New York City, John

Williams, Lorenzo

Williams, Robin

Williamson, John

Wilson, Fred

Wimsatt, Genevive

Winkler, Catherine

Winter, H. Edward

Wollaston, John

Wood & Hughes

Wood, Beatrice

Wood, Thomas Waterman

Woodruff, Hale

Woody, Ken


Wright, Frank Lloyd

Wright, Russel

Wyant, Alexander

Wyeth, Newell Convers