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Browse by Artist: B

Babcock, William Perkins

Bach, Alfons

Bach, Martin

Bachmann, Max

Backofen, Charles

Bacon, Henry

Baer, William Jacob

Baizerman, Saul

Baker, George

Ball, Black & Company

Ball, Thomas

Bally, Boris

Bart, Elizabeth

Barthé, Richmond

Bartlett, Jane E.

Bartow, Rick

Bass Company, E. & J.

Bassett, Frederick

Bassett, John

Bateman, Ann

Bateman, Hester

Bateman, Peter

Bateman, William

Beach, Chester

Beal, Gifford

Beard, William Holbrook

Beaty, Constance

Beaux, Cecilia

Beck, George

Beer, Vivian

Behar, Yves

Bel Geddes, Norman

Bell, Solomon

Bellows, Albert Fitch

Bellows, George

Belmet Products, Inc.

Benjamin, John

Bennett, Ward

Benton, Thomas Hart

Berman, Eugene

Bermejo, José

Bernstein, Theresa

Bertoia, Harry

Biddle, George

Bierstadt, Albert

Biggers, John

Billings, William

Bingham, George Caleb

Birch, Thomas

Bishop, Isabel

Black and Decker

Blackburn, Joseph

Blackburn, Robert

Blackman, Leo

Blackstone, Harriet

Blakelock, Ralph Albert

Blanch, Arnold

Blashfield, Edwin Howland

Blatas, Arbit

Blum, Robert Frederick

Blume, Peter

Blumenschein, Mary

Boardman and Hart

Boardman, Sherman

Boardman, Thomas Danforth

Boch & Bros.


Boelen, Jacob

Bogart, Richard

Bolotowsky, Ilya

Bombard Industries

Bonk, Keiko

Bonnin, Gousse

Booker, Chakaia

Boone, Thomas

Borglum, Solon

Borie, Adolphe

Bosa, Louis

Boston and Sandwich Glass Company

Boston, Frederick

Boston, Joseph

Bostwick, Zalmon

Bourgeois, Louise

Bowden, Benjamin

Boyce, Gerardus

Boyd, Parks

Boyland, Jarvis

Brackett, Walter

Brackman, Robert

Bradshaw, Dove

Branchard, Emile

Brastoff, Sascha

Brathwaite, Fred

Brenner, Victor

Breuer, Marcel

Bricher, Alfred Thompson

Brigden, Timothy

Brook, Alexander

Brooke Alexander, Inc.

Brookes, Samuel

Brown, Bolton

Brown, Grafton

Brown, John

Brown, William

Brown, William Mason

Brumback, Louise Upton

Brunias, Agostino

Brunstrom, John Andrew

Brush, George de Forest

Buchanan, Beverly

Buehner-Warner, Frederic

Burger, John

Burlin, Paul

Burliuk, David

Burroughs Manufacturing Corp.

Burroughs, Charles