Unknown. <em>Birth Certificate</em>, 1826. Woodcut, colored by stencil, on wove paper, sheet: 16 1/16 x 13 in. (40.8 x 33 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of the Monroe and Estelle Hewlett Collection, 67.144.1 (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, CUR.67.144.1.jpg)

Birth Certificate

Artist:UnknownMoser & Peters

Medium: Woodcut, colored by stencil, on wove paper


Dimensions: sheet: 16 1/16 x 13 in. (40.8 x 33 cm)


Accession Number: 67.144.1

Image: CUR.67.144.1.jpg,

Catalogue Description:
Fraktur: pre-printed certificate / form with blanks for personalization (not filled in)

Brooklyn Museum