Louis Schanker (American, 1903–1981). <em>St. George and the Dragon</em>. Woodblocks, 10 7/8 x 13 3/8 in. (27.6 x 33.9 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of the artist, 41.1163.1-.4. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 41.1163.5_acetate_bw.jpg)

St. George and the Dragon

Artist:Louis Schanker

Medium: Woodblocks

Dimensions: 10 7/8 x 13 3/8 in. (27.6 x 33.9 cm)


Accession Number: 41.1163.1-.4

Image: 41.1163.5_acetate_bw.jpg,

Brooklyn Museum