Artist:Master of MayamaTeke
Medium: Wood, shell, mud, metal, resin, organic materials, imported buttons
Geograhical Locations:
Dates:late 19th century
Dimensions: 25 1/2 x 4 1/4 x 4 3/4 in. (64.8 x 10.8 x 12.1 cm)
Accession Number: 1989.51.19
Image: 1989.51.19_PS2.jpg,
Catalogue Description:
Male figure, with shiny brown patina except on face, which has matt brown surface. Two mud, red iron, and resin masses (bilongo) embedded with one cowrie shell, one on forehead, one on chest. Proportions of head, torso, and legs relatively equal; slightly crouching position. Face lined with shallow horizontal incisions, nose with incised center line and flared nostrils; crescent-shaped ears; button eyes. Trapezoid-shaped, flaring beard, also side whiskers and moustaches. Arms bend, without defined hands, placed on stomach. Small male sexual organ; blockish feet without toes. CONDITION: Long vertical cracks in front of torso, extending from neck to upper leg; cracks on side of head and on base. Moustache tips broken off; tip of left foot chipped off, top of right foot appears to have been mended.