Daniel Huntington (American, 1816–1906). <em>Sketch for The Republican Court</em>, ca. 1861. Oil on canvas, 7 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (20 x 25.1 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of the Crescent-Hamilton Athletic Club, 39.536.3 (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 39.536.3_acetate_bw.jpg)

Sketch for The Republican Court

Artist:Daniel Huntington

Medium: Oil on canvas

Dates:ca. 1861

Dimensions: 7 7/8 x 9 7/8 in. (20 x 25.1 cm)


Accession Number: 39.536.3

Image: 39.536.3_acetate_bw.jpg,

Brooklyn Museum