Medium: Wood, mud, pigment
Geograhical Locations:
Dates:ca. 2081–1700 B.C.E.
Dimensions: 9 x 2 5/8 x 3/16 in. (22.8 x 6.7 x 0.5 cm)Measurements: Ht. 22.8 cm.; greatest width c. 6.7 cm.; thickness 0.5 cm.
Museum Location: Egyptian Orientation Gallery, 3rd Floor
Accession Number: 37.102E
Image: CUR.37.102E_NegA_print_bw.jpg,
Catalogue Description: Flat wooden female figurine with details of anatomy and garment painted in red and black on the front. Tied around the neck are five strings of gray mud pellets, probably representing hair, and the knots and ends of the strings are glued to the back of the head with a dark adhesive. The figures of Ta-weret and a crocodile are painted on the front. Condition: The ends of the arms are broken off, and there are two holes through the left center. The right lower edge is broken away and has been gnawed by rodents. The back is covered with grayish dirt, and there are diagonal score lines across the front.