Medium: Sandstone, pigment
Geograhical Locations:
Dates:ca. 1539–1493 B.C.E.
Dimensions: 28 x 11 x 24 in., 160 lb. (71.1 x 27.9 x 61 cm, 72.58kg)
Museum Location: Old Kingdom to 18th Dynasty, Egyptian Galleries, 3rd Floor
Accession Number: 37.38E
Image: 37.38E_SL1.jpg,
Catalogue Description:
Fragment of a sandstone statue of a king probably Amenhotep I of Dyn. XVIII. The osiride figure is preserved from the neck up. The king is represented as wearing the White Crown, with uraeus, and a long beard. A tall back pillar, which tapers towards the top, rises almost to the top of the crown. The face is damaged. The plastic eyebrows dip slightly towards the root of the nose. The eyes are bulging with the upper lids being strongly undercut and extending past the lower lids at both ends. The cosmetic lines are treated plastically. A philtrum is indicated. The mouth is pursed with the corners being drawn up and indented. The ears are simple and remains in one plane. The weak jaw runs fairly smoothly into the neck. Much of the original paint is preserved. The skin is painted red; the beard and brows are black. The chin strap for the beard is unpainted.
Condition: Piece is much damaged. Top of crown, nose, beard, and face are chipped; paint only partially preserved.