Illustrated Papyrus

Medium: Papyrus, pigment, ink

Geograhical Locations:

Dates:4th–3rd century B.C.E.

Dimensions: 37.1647Ed2: 12 1/2 × 6 9/16 in. (31.8 × 16.6 cm)


Accession Number: 37.1647Ed2

Catalogue Description:
A representation of a lion-headed goddess, standing right, and crowned with a sun-disk. She (Sakhmet ?) holds in her right hand an Ankh-sign, and, in her left hand, a papyrus-scepter. The goddess’ dress and sun-disk are painted red and the scepter is painted brown. The rest of the figure is painted yellow with black outlines and details. Above the figure is a horizontal red band. Condition: Much of the wig and face are missing, a section of her abdomen, the upper part of the Was-scepter, and her feet are missing.

Brooklyn Museum