Medium: Limestone, traces of polychrome
Geograhical Locations:
Dates:7th–8th century
Dimensions: 13 x 22 x 6 x 23 1/2 in., 36.5 lb. (33 x 55.9 x 15.2 x 59.7 cm, 16.56kg)
Accession Number: 1996.217
Image: 1996.217_SL1.jpg,
Catalogue Description:
The object is a stone sculpture depicting a standing figure of a bodhisattva. The sculpture is carved in high relief (the reverse and the back edge of the sides of the sculpture are uncarved). The sculpture is leaning slightly towards the proper right with the proper right arm down and the proper left arm raised at the elbow. The figure is partially draped with fabric.
A white ground layer exists over much of the front surface of the sculpture. Traces of pigment, red, brown, blue and black, are noticeable on the front of the sculpture.
Condition: The object is in poor condition. Problems include loose joints, an unstable mount, flaking pigment and an overall friable stone surface.