Medium: Wood, lime
Geograhical Locations:
Dates:20th century
Dimensions: 11 1/4 x 3/4 x 1 in. (28.6 x 1.9 x 2.5 cm)
Accession Number: 86.224.147
Image: 86.224.147_bw.jpg,
Catalogue Description: Carved wooden lime spatula. Lime spatula- crouching man with conical hat. Top of handle in form of seated figure with elbows resting on knees and hands supporting chin. Curvilinear designs carved on upper shoulders and lower back. Traces of lime, rubbed into the carving, are still evident. Condition: Spatula end is split and patina is cracked. (from accession card) Handle of spatula consists of a squatting figure with elbows resting on knees and chin resting on hands. Figure wears a conical shaped hat. Curvilinear designs carved on upper shoulders and lower back. Traces of lime, rubbed into incised decoration, are evident. The end of the spatula is split over a length of 2 cm. The patina on the lower half of the object is cracked. (From catalogue sheet)