Medium: Linen, pigment, gold leaf
Geograhical Locations:
Dates:1st century B.C.E. or later
Dimensions: 37.1815Ea: 16 15/16 x 19 5/16 in. (43 x 49 cm) 37.1815Eb: 26 3/4 x 13 3/8 in. (68 x 34 cm)
Accession Number: 37.1815Ea-b
Image: 37.1815Ea_PS9.jpg,
Catalogue Description: A piece of fine linen, painted and gilded and decorated with black, white and red. Larger piece shows decoration for upper half of body: neck painted pink with gilt beard, broad collar over which a gold necklace hung suspending a lotus flower. Flail and handle of crook (?) are shorter and below an elaborate shrine with Isis and Nephthys adoring (Amon?). Second piece has scenes in 3 registers: 1) ploughing, 2) row of divinities, 3) 2 sphinxes. There is a column of inscription on left side which is selvedged. Fringe on bottom.