Preliminary survey of the Church homestead prepared for the Historic American Buildings Survey.
Image: "Preliminary survey of the Church homestead prepared for the Historic American Buildings Survey.", ca. 1936. Printed matter, 3 x 5in. Brooklyn Museum, CHART_2011. (NA735_B8_H621c_HABS_Church_Homestead_01_recto.jpg
Notes: This card was prepared as part of the selection process for the Historic American Buildings Survey, a program begun in 1933 by the National Parks Service to document America's architectural heritage with photographs, written reports, and measured drawings. The cards in the collection of the Brooklyn Museum represent a preliminary review intended to identify candidates for a more in-depth survey.
Folder: Church Homestead : 10024 Ft. Hamilton Parkway, Brooklyn, New York / card prepared by Foster, O'Neill, Pope.
Brooklyn Museum