Life Death Figure
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Object Label
The face on this small yet powerful sculpture exemplifies the dualism of ancient Mesoamerican religion with respect to life and death by combining a skull with lifelike features. Previous interpretations, based on the two-horned headdress and jeweled headband, identified the figure as Xiuhtecuhtli (Lord of Fire) or Tonacatecuhtli (Lord of Sustenance). More recent scholarship suggests that the two horns or tufts may refer to the two temples crowning the Templo Mayor, the Mexica (Aztec) ceremonial center that dominated the capital of Tenochtitlán, in present-day Mexico City. The temples were dedicated to Huitzilopochtli (Lord of Warfare) and to Tlaloc (Lord of Rain and Fertility).
La cara de esta pequeña pero poderosa escultura ejemplifica el dualismo de la antigua religión Mesoamericana con respecto a la vida y la muerte, al combinar una calavera con una cara de rasgos vitales. Interpretaciones previas, basadas en el tocado de dos cuernos y cintillo enjoyado, identificaban la figura como Xiuhtecuhtli (Dios del Fuego) o Tonacatecuhtli (Dios del Sustento). Recientemente académicos han sugerido que los dos cuernos pueden referirse a los dos templos que coronaban el Templo Mayor, el centro ceremonial Mexica (Azteca) que dominaba la capital de Tenochtitlán, en la actual Ciudad de México. Los templos estaban dedicados a Huitzilopochtli (Dios de la Guerra) y a Tlaloc (Dios de la Lluvia y Fertilidad).
Aztec. Life Death Figure, 1200–1521. Volcanic Stone, 10 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 6 1/8 in. (26.7 x 14 x 15.6 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Purchased with funds given by The Henfield Foundation, 64.50. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 64.50_view2_SL4.jpg)
Not on view
Not on view
Life Death Figure
Place made: Mexico
Volcanic Stone
10 1/2 x 5 1/2 x 6 1/8 in. (26.7 x 14 x 15.6 cm)
Credit Line
Purchased with funds given by The Henfield Foundation
Accession Number
Creative Commons-BY
You may download and use Brooklyn Museum images of this three-dimensional work in accordance with a Creative Commons license. Fair use, as understood under the United States Copyright Act, may also apply. Please include caption information from this page and credit the Brooklyn Museum. If you need a high resolution file, please fill out our online application form (charges apply). For further information about copyright, we recommend resources at the United States Library of Congress, Cornell University, Copyright and Cultural Institutions: Guidelines for U.S. Libraries, Archives, and Museums, and Copyright Watch. For more information about the Museum's rights project, including how rights types are assigned, please see our blog posts on copyright. If you have any information regarding this work and rights to it, please contact
Frequent Art Questions
Hi! About this "life-death figure" (Mexico, Aztec) 1200-1521.... Three rows of teeth! Any insight?
Wow, great observation! I believe three rows may not have a specific meaning -- if you look closely on the human side of the face there is only one. My guess with this work is that the artist was figuring around how to depict the teeth with and without lips.It's such a fascinating depiction with the human and skeleton faces divided right down the middle.Ha! Probably right. Volcanic stone is tough to carve. #scultptorproblemsAbsolutely! Many of our Aztec sculptural works are made from volcanic stone. They are certainly good at working with such a hard material!Tell me about this Mexica "Life Death Figure".
This is an example of small-scale religious sculpture from the Aztec (Mexica) culture of central Mexico. The Aztecs controlled the valley of Mexico for a century before the Spanish conquered them and began colonizing the region.The two horns on the figure's headdress may be a reference to the Templo Mayor that was crowned by two temples. The Templo Mayor was the ceremonial center of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlán, modern-day Mexico City.
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