What used to live in this shell?
That is actually a very old Conch shell. So a sea snail once lived inside of there! It was used as a ceremonial drinking cup for liquids made from the yaupon plant. It is believed that the drink made from the yaupon plant was hallucinogenic, connecting the drinker with the falcon spirit that's engraved on the shell.
Also, what are "ear spools?"
Ear spools are like very large "gauged" earrings. If you look in the nearby galleries, you can see many examples in gold!
Yes, it would hurt if you got the extra large ones right away (and the most prominent pair in the next gallery are LARGE), but the people who wore ear spools, stretched their ear lobes slowly to avoid the pain.
To create the sounds that each instrument makes, were the actual instruments on display used or were replicas made?
The sounds were sourced from soundtracks of similar types of instruments being played such as Dale Olsen’s Music of El Dorado and Peyote songs from the Smithsonian’s Folkways Records.
How do they engrave the shell?
The conch shell would have been engraved with a hard stone, such as flint. It was possible to make sharp blades from such materials and use them to carve designs.
This is a VERY unique shell as it's opening is a Left Handed Lightning Whelk opening. Nearly ALL shells in the planet are a right side opening. Just thought the original carvers definitely knew the uniqueness of this shell.
Wow! We did not know that. Thank you for sharing that knowledge and observation.
We'll be able to share that info with the next visitor who asks us about it!