Hanging Wall Cabinet


Brooklyn Museum photograph

Brooklyn Museum photograph

Brooklyn Museum photograph

Brooklyn Museum photograph

Brooklyn Museum photograph

Brooklyn Museum photograph

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Hanging Wall Cabinet, 1759–1788. Wood, Cuban Mahogany, Brown Ebony, copper alloy, varnish: Ebony, Ebenaceae, Diospyros, Burbinga, Guibourtia,Tulip wood, Magnoliaceae, Liriodendron, tulipifera, Walnut, Juglandaceae, Juglans, Kingwood, Fabaceae, Dalbergia, cearensis (includes less than 10kg), Limoncello, Rubiaceae, Calycophyllum, candidissimum, Amaranth, Fabaceae, Peltogyne, Mahogany Meliaceae, Swietenia, mahagani, 45 5/8 × 49 1/4 × 9 5/8 in. (115.9 × 125.1 × 24.4 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Gift of Mrs. John de Menil, 57.179. Creative Commons-BY (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 57.179_overall_PS11.jpg)


Not on view


Hanging Wall Cabinet




Wood, Cuban Mahogany, Brown Ebony, copper alloy, varnish: Ebony, Ebenaceae, Diospyros, Burbinga, Guibourtia,Tulip wood, Magnoliaceae, Liriodendron, tulipifera, Walnut, Juglandaceae, Juglans, Kingwood, Fabaceae, Dalbergia, cearensis (includes less than 10kg), Limoncello, Rubiaceae, Calycophyllum, candidissimum, Amaranth, Fabaceae, Peltogyne, Mahogany Meliaceae, Swietenia, mahagani




45 5/8 × 49 1/4 × 9 5/8 in. (115.9 × 125.1 × 24.4 cm)

Credit Line

Gift of Mrs. John de Menil

Accession Number



Creative Commons-BY

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