Human Forest (Forêt humaine)

Ossip Zadkine

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Object Label

Ossip Zadkine, known primarily as a modernist sculptor, made this gouache of metamorphosing, interconnected human-plant figures after he returned to France from New York, where he had fled in 1941 after the Nazis seized Paris. When the Museum purchased it, he described the circumstances around its creation in a letter to the curatorial department: “When I returned back in October 1945 I found France in a pathetic state, to say little. . . . . I was a sculptor with no house, no workshop, a . . . sort of a D.P. [displaced person]. The human forest seemed to me strange and hostile and inhospitable. I went to the country where I have a house, the only one left to me where I did a group of drawings and gouaches representing this flora of today.”


Ossip Zadkine French, born Vitebsk, present–day Belarus (former Russian Empire), 1890–1967. Human Forest (Forêt humaine), 1946. Opaque watercolor, pen, and black ink over graphite on wove paper, sheet: 36 × 22 in. (91.4 × 55.9 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Museum Collection Fund, 47.111. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, CUR.47.111.jpg)


Not on view


European Art


Human Forest (Forêt humaine)




Place made: France


Opaque watercolor, pen, and black ink over graphite on wove paper




sheet: 36 × 22 in. (91.4 × 55.9 cm)


Signed and dated bottom right: "O. ZADKINE 46"

Credit Line

Museum Collection Fund

Accession Number



© artist or artist's estate

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