Can you tell me more about Joaquin Sorolla?
Absolutely! Sorolla is generally classified as a Spanish Impressionist. He worked quickly and usually painted en plein air meaning outside.
He is often called "the painter of light," he became known for capturing the shimmering Mediterranean light. This painting was made during one of his visits to Northern Spain, which is much more lush and green than the rest of the country.
Is he the *only* Spanish artist to develop this technique?
I don't believe so, although he was one of the most successful! I love his quote, "I feel that if I painted slowly, I positively could not paint at all."
Do you know the exact location of this landscape in Asturias?
We don't have any notes one its exact location, but it likely represents a real view that the artist painted while out doors. Sorolla spent
three summers painting in the Asturias region of Spain's northwest coast from 1902 to 1904. It was often called "Green Spain," for the lush growth resulting from year-round rainfall.