Who is Kali?
Kali is a Hindu goddess whose worship dates back over 3,000 years. Kali’s plate is painted with central core imagery, which is filled with seed forms symbolizing fertility and referencing Kali’s association with the cycles of nature. The deep reds, browns, and purples of the runner are to remind the viewer that the goddess drinks the blood of demons and that her thirst can never be satiated.
I was wondering if I could get some more information on the place setting for Kali.
Kali is a form of Shakti, the feminine divine in Hindu traditions. She is the activating force of the universe, necessary for male gods to act. Kali is Shakti in its fiercest form.
The round forms at the center recall seed and allude to fertility and cycles of nature. The dark red/purple represents the blood of demons that Kali drinks, but can never get enough of. The protrusions represent ribs of Kali's emaciated body, which is depicted in various representation of the goddess in art.
Oh wow, that's awesome. It's a really powerful place setting.
Yes, its interesting how Chicago interprets the various characteristics of the women at the table to produce their unique place settings.
Who are the people on the table?
All together, The Dinner Party is a monument to women's achievements and contributions throughout a mostly Western history. Judy Chicago designed it in reaction against her own education and the way she felt women were left out.
Each place setting honors a specific woman (real or mythological) that she felt had an impact on human history. They also all stand as representatives to the countless numbers of women who have been forgotten.
This place setting represents Kali, a Hindu goddess who is still worshipped today and whose worship dates back thousands of years. Kali comes from a branch of Hinduism known as Shaktism which focuses on the female divine.