
Lee Ufan

Brooklyn Museum photograph

Brooklyn Museum photograph

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Object Label

The Brooklyn Museum has been at the forefront of presenting Korean modern art since the seminal 1981 exhibition Korean Drawing Now, which featured many artists of the Dansaekwa (monochrome painting) movement popular in the 1970s and 1980s. In Lee Ufan’s painting, the artist creates rows of consecutive blue brushstrokes that become lines of movement and emphasize the physical encounter between brush and paper, the tone becoming lighter as the paint in the brush is used up.
We encourage you to visit our new galleries for the Arts of Korea on the 2nd Floor of the Museum to see a special exhibition of Dansaekwa paintings, including additional works by Lee Ufan.


Lee Ufan Korean, born 1936. Untitled, 1973. Watercolor on wove paper, 30 x 22 in. (76.2 x 55.9 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Designated Purchase Fund, 74.112.1. © artist or artist's estate (Photo: Brooklyn Museum, 74.112.1_PS2.jpg)


Not on view


Asian Art


Lee Ufan






Place made: Korea


Watercolor on wove paper




30 x 22 in. (76.2 x 55.9 cm)


by the artist

Credit Line

Designated Purchase Fund

Accession Number



© artist or artist's estate

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Frequent Art Questions

  • Could you tell me more about this piece?

    Sure! The artist behind this work, Lee Ufan, is interested in the physical materials he uses and in exploring the concept of infinity in his works. Here he does so by making an incomprehensibly large number of marks on paper with watercolor.

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