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1980s Exhibitions
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African Art (installation).
January 01, 1989 through 1989 (date unknown)
Lacquer: A Panorama of Asian Decorative Arts
December 16, 1988 through June 14, 1989
Nineteenth-Century French Drawings and Watercolors from the Collection of The Brooklyn Museum
December 02, 1988 th...
Theatrical Prints of Japan
December 01, 1988 through March 27, 1989
Martin Puryear
November 18, 1988 through February 13, 1989
English Glass: Selections from the Leckie Collection of the Brooklyn Museum
November 16, 1988 through March 20, 19...
Modernism 1860-1960: A Century of Style & Design
November 10, 1988 through November 13, 1988
Courbet Reconsidered
November 04, 1988 through January 16, 1989
Curator's Choice: A Century of French Painting
October 19, 1988 through January 23, 1989
Cleopatra's Egypt: Age of the Ptolemies
October 7, 1988 through January 2, 1989
Prints of the German Expressionists and Their Circle: Collection of The Brooklyn Museum
September 15, 1988 through...
Images on Stone: Petroglyphs of the Southwest. Photographs by Salvatore Mancini
September 07, 1988 through January...
Scenes of Famous Views of Edo
September 01, 1988 through November 21, 1988
Matt Mullican
August 04, 1988 through November 07, 1988
Walter Rosenblum: In Haiti
July 07, 1988 through September 17, 1988
Curator's Choice: Appropriation and Syntax, The Uses of Photography in Contemporary Art
July 06, 1988 through Octo...
Views of Mount Fuji & Other Mountains
June 21, 1988 through 1988 (date unknown)
Modern Masters: French Art from the Alex Hillman Family Foundation Collection
June 09, 1988 through August 15, 198...
Gordon Matta-Clark: A Retrospective
May 08, 1988 through July 11, 1988
Jenny Holzer: Signs and Benches
May 05, 1988 through July 18, 1988
40 From Israel, Contemporary Sculpture & Drawing
April 18, 1988 through June 27, 1988
Donald Sultan
April 09, 1988 through June 13, 1988
L' Estampe Original: A Portfolio of Nineteenth-Century Prints from The Brooklyn Museum [Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City]
A New Brooklyn Museum: The Master Plan Competition
March 11, 1988 through September 05, 1988
Rodin: The Cantor Gift to The Brooklyn Museum
March 1, 1988 through November 30, 2024
Curator's Choice: Making History at The Brooklyn Museum, John I.H. Baur
February 23, 1988 through June 20, 1988
Assemblage of Spirits: Idea and Image in New Ireland
February 12, 1988 through May 8, 1988
African Art (installation).
January 01, 1989 through 1989 (date unknown)
Lacquer: A Panorama of Asian Decorative Arts
December 16, 1988 through June 14, 1989
Nineteenth-Century French Drawings and Watercolors from the Collection of The Brooklyn Museum
December 02, 1988 th...
Theatrical Prints of Japan
December 01, 1988 through March 27, 1989
Martin Puryear
November 18, 1988 through February 13, 1989
English Glass: Selections from the Leckie Collection of the Brooklyn Museum
November 16, 1988 through March 20, 19...
Modernism 1860-1960: A Century of Style & Design
November 10, 1988 through November 13, 1988
Courbet Reconsidered
November 04, 1988 through January 16, 1989
Curator's Choice: A Century of French Painting
October 19, 1988 through January 23, 1989
Cleopatra's Egypt: Age of the Ptolemies
October 7, 1988 through January 2, 1989
Prints of the German Expressionists and Their Circle: Collection of The Brooklyn Museum
September 15, 1988 through...
Images on Stone: Petroglyphs of the Southwest. Photographs by Salvatore Mancini
September 07, 1988 through January...
Scenes of Famous Views of Edo
September 01, 1988 through November 21, 1988
Matt Mullican
August 04, 1988 through November 07, 1988
Walter Rosenblum: In Haiti
July 07, 1988 through September 17, 1988
Curator's Choice: Appropriation and Syntax, The Uses of Photography in Contemporary Art
July 06, 1988 through Octo...
Views of Mount Fuji & Other Mountains
June 21, 1988 through 1988 (date unknown)
Modern Masters: French Art from the Alex Hillman Family Foundation Collection
June 09, 1988 through August 15, 198...
Gordon Matta-Clark: A Retrospective
May 08, 1988 through July 11, 1988
Jenny Holzer: Signs and Benches
May 05, 1988 through July 18, 1988
40 From Israel, Contemporary Sculpture & Drawing
April 18, 1988 through June 27, 1988
Donald Sultan
April 09, 1988 through June 13, 1988
L' Estampe Original: A Portfolio of Nineteenth-Century Prints from The Brooklyn Museum [Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City]
A New Brooklyn Museum: The Master Plan Competition
March 11, 1988 through September 05, 1988
Rodin: The Cantor Gift to The Brooklyn Museum
March 1, 1988 through November 30, 2024
Curator's Choice: Making History at The Brooklyn Museum, John I.H. Baur
February 23, 1988 through June 20, 1988
Assemblage of Spirits: Idea and Image in New Ireland
February 12, 1988 through May 8, 1988
African Art (installation).
January 01, 1989 through 1989 (date unknown)
Lacquer: A Panorama of Asian Decorative Arts
December 16, 1988 through June 14, 1989
Nineteenth-Century French Drawings and Watercolors from the Collection of The Brooklyn Museum
December 02, 1988 th...
Theatrical Prints of Japan
December 01, 1988 through March 27, 1989
Martin Puryear
November 18, 1988 through February 13, 1989
English Glass: Selections from the Leckie Collection of the Brooklyn Museum
November 16, 1988 through March 20, 19...
Modernism 1860-1960: A Century of Style & Design
November 10, 1988 through November 13, 1988
Courbet Reconsidered
November 04, 1988 through January 16, 1989
Curator's Choice: A Century of French Painting
October 19, 1988 through January 23, 1989
Cleopatra's Egypt: Age of the Ptolemies
October 7, 1988 through January 2, 1989
Prints of the German Expressionists and Their Circle: Collection of The Brooklyn Museum
September 15, 1988 through...
Images on Stone: Petroglyphs of the Southwest. Photographs by Salvatore Mancini
September 07, 1988 through January...
Scenes of Famous Views of Edo
September 01, 1988 through November 21, 1988
Matt Mullican
August 04, 1988 through November 07, 1988
Walter Rosenblum: In Haiti
July 07, 1988 through September 17, 1988
Curator's Choice: Appropriation and Syntax, The Uses of Photography in Contemporary Art
July 06, 1988 through Octo...
Views of Mount Fuji & Other Mountains
June 21, 1988 through 1988 (date unknown)
Modern Masters: French Art from the Alex Hillman Family Foundation Collection
June 09, 1988 through August 15, 198...
Gordon Matta-Clark: A Retrospective
May 08, 1988 through July 11, 1988
Jenny Holzer: Signs and Benches
May 05, 1988 through July 18, 1988
40 From Israel, Contemporary Sculpture & Drawing
April 18, 1988 through June 27, 1988
Donald Sultan
April 09, 1988 through June 13, 1988
L' Estampe Original: A Portfolio of Nineteenth-Century Prints from The Brooklyn Museum [Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City]
A New Brooklyn Museum: The Master Plan Competition
March 11, 1988 through September 05, 1988
Rodin: The Cantor Gift to The Brooklyn Museum
March 1, 1988 through November 30, 2024
Curator's Choice: Making History at The Brooklyn Museum, John I.H. Baur
February 23, 1988 through June 20, 1988
Assemblage of Spirits: Idea and Image in New Ireland
February 12, 1988 through May 8, 1988
Showing exhibitions 28 - 54 of 386