April 23, 1935
The Brooklyn Museum will open on Friday, May 3, to run through the summer an exhibition by a group of sculpture, including Enfrid Anderson, Sonia Gordon Brown, Minna Harkavy, S. B. Kahan, Maryla Lednicka, Arthur Lee, George Lober, William H. Muir; Eleanor Platt, Hugo Robus, W. W. Rosenbauer, and John Kellogg Woodruff .
In organizing the exhibition of sculpture for the summer months of 1935, attempt has been made to bring together a group of sculptors which shows a wide range of technical accomplishment vitalized by an equally variant interpretation of life, human and other.
The exhilarating artists are animated by the ideals of many lands, but they are divided into two distinct movements; one group travels the road of frank realism with its own spiritual concepts the other moves with the current of modernism which emphasizes the individual point of view.
The number of exhibitors was limited in order to give each sculptor an opportunity to show sufficient amount of work to indicate the scope of his creative ability.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1931 - 1936. 04-06_1935, 063. View Original