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Brooklyn Society of Etchers: Annual Exhibition [10th]

DATES November 01, 1925 through 1925 (date unknown)
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  • November 1, 1925 The Tenth Annual Exhibition of the Brooklyn Society of Etchers will be open to the public in the Print Galleries of the Brooklyn Museum on Tuesday, November 3rd and will continue on view until November 30th. The public opening will be preceded by a first view and tea on Monday afternoon, November 2nd from three until six for members of the Society and for members of the Museum and their friends. Two hundred and fifty-seven etchings will be exhibited which will represent the work of one hundred and ten artists.

    The officers of the Society are: President, George (Pop) Hart; Vice-President, Anne Goldthwaite; Corresponding Secretary, John Taylor Arms; Recording Secretary, Morris Greenberg; Treasurer, Frederick Reynolds. The Council consists of the above named officers and Margery A. Ryerson, Ernest D. Roth, Frederick T. Weber and J. Paul Verrees. Three prizes will be awarded on the occasion of the first view: namely; The Mrs. Henry F. Noyes Prize of Fifty Dollars for the best print in the exhtbition; The Kate W. Arms Memorial Prize of Twenty-five Dollars for the best print by a member of the Society; The Nathan I Bijur Prize of Twenty-five Dollars for the best print by an exhibitor not a member of the Society. The list of names of the artists represented in the exhibition includes those of the officers with Frank Benson, George Elbert Burr, Sears Gallagher, Charles E. Heil, Arthur W. Heintzelman, Eugene Higgins, Edward Hopper, Alfred Hutty, Margaret Manuel, Peter Marcus, Carl J. Nordell, Chauncey F. Ryder, Will Simmons, and John W. Winkler.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1916 - 1930. 1925, 050.
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