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Art for Children as Shown by Modern European Picture Books

DATES January 01, 1926 through December 31, 1926
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  • April 27, 1926 The Print Department of the Brooklyn Museum announces that on May 5th it will present an Exhibition of Foreign Picture Books for Children. This exhibit embraces examples of the work of the best modern illustrators of France, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia, Germany, Austria and Czecho-Slovakia. The Museum recently acquired all the children's books from the famous library of Dr. Weiske, which was lately brought to this country from Germany, the rest of the collection having been purchased by Princeton University. This group has been augmented by various additions for the purposes of the present exhibition which is assembled form the standpoint of art in the illustration of juvenile books. From the various countries represented the names of many well-known artists inevitably occur in such a collection. Among those in the Russian group are Boris Grigoriev, Narbut, Afanassieff, Ayakimenko. Of the Scandinavians, Else Beskow, Aina Sternberg-Mas Olle, Einar Nerman, famous for elves and trolls, and Carl Larsen, the delineator of home life. Many of the examples from the Austrian group are books illustrated by the pupils of Prof. Cizek whose work will be recalled from the exhibition held at the Museum in 1924. From Italy the Pinoccio theme is treated by several illustrators, while from France is shown work by Henriette Damart, Vimar, Andre Helle, Boutet de Monvel with his illustrations for "Filles et Garcons" by Anatole France and the illustrations by Edy. Legrand for "Macao et Cosmage" and Voyages et Decouvertes Glorieuses". In the German group are Herman Rombach, Max Jungnickel, Joseph Mauder and Elisabeth Schmitz. The exhibition will remain on view through May 31st. [Handwritten correction: "Extended to June 15 June 30"]

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1916 - 1930. 1926, 048.
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  • October 12, 1937 In addition to the exhibition announced for opening October 16 the Brooklyn Museum has scheduled the following exhibitions for this season:

    Special Exhibition Gallery
    November 20 - January 16th — industrial exhibition - Silver
    February 5 - March 20 Delacroix Exhibition
    April 2 - May 30 - Technique Oriental Art

    Balcony Gallery
    December 18 - February 13 — Books
    February 19 - April 3 — Education
    April 16 - May 30 - Photography

    Sub—Balcony Gallery
    December 11 - February 6 - Lace
    February 12 - March 27 — Examination and Conservation of Works of Art
    April 9 — June 5 - Pewter

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1937 - 1939. 10-12_1937, 157.
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