May 5, 1971
On Sunday, May 23, from 11 AM to 5 PM, (rain date May 30), the fence around The Brooklyn Museum's parking lot will bloom with paintings, sculpture, graphics, ceramics and crafts. The occasion is the 7th Annual Fence Show, sponsored by the Community Committee, and entries will be accepted through May 15. Co-chairmen of the Fence Show committee are Mrs. Joseph T. Coltrera, Mrs. Henry Hayden and Mrs. Abraham Punia.
Two of Brooklyn’s best known contemporary artists, David Levine and Aaron Shikler whose paintings are currently on view in the Museum’s Special Exhibitions Gallery, will be on hand to select the 1971 prizewinners who will have their own show in the Community Gallery next spring. The colorful Fence Show will be further enhanced by rock music, gay balloons and Nathan’s Famous hot dogs, complete with all the trimmings.
Entry blanks may be obtained through the Community Committee office of the Museum (789-2493). A registration fee of $5.00 is necessary to help defray the show’s expenses.
Opening simultaneously in the Community Gallery, at 1 PM, is the exhibit of the 1970 FENCE ART SHOW WINNERS, which will run through June 20. The 25 prizewinning artists, representing a cross-section of the metropolitan area are: Roz Baron, Judy Fox, Anita Graff, Ellen King, Phyllis Labriola, Marilyn Mark, Rocco H. Petrocelli, Kenneth L. Radcliff, Linda Smith, Olive Tucker (BROOKLYN); Lois Binetsky, Morgan Davies, Ann Froman, Bill Howell, Angela Jansen, Wanda Jeanette Jones, Margaret E. Rosenberg (MANHATTAN); Kenneth G. Dickerson (BRONX); Gerald Brown, James C. Counts, Mary Pearsull (NASSAU); Nicholas Davies, Andrew S. Masino, Raul Mina Mora, Dorise Olson (QUEENS).
To add to the May 23rd festivities, The Brooklyn Museum Chorus for Young People will give their final concert of the season in the Auditorium Court at 2 PM. The chorus is composed of 36 boys and girls between the ages of eleven and fifteen and is under the direction of John L. Motley, conductor of the “All City High School Chorus,” assisted by Lawrence Benjamin, director of the Chorus of John Marshall Jr. High School. They have made two previous appearances during the season and their final concert which will be broadcast over WNYC will offer a varied selection of folksongs, lullabies and classical choral works.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1971 - 1988. 1971, 027-28. View Original