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Albert Christ-Janer

DATES December 24, 1965 through January 09, 1966
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  • December 21, 1965 A group of watercolors by Albert Christ-Janer, Dean of the Pratt Institute Art School, will be displayed at The Brooklyn Museum from December 27 to January 9.

    Mr. Christ-Janer has been Dean of the Art School, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn since l958. He is represented in a number of collections, among them the Whitney Museum, The Brooklyn Museum and the Rochester Memorial Art Gallery.

    Commenting on his watercolors, Christ-Janer explains: “Recent availability of the plastic glues has increased the artist’s versatility in this medium. Having experimented with the polymer glues for ten years, I have simply used them as a master binding agent; pigment, paper, sands - all are mixed together, in design, and firmly held together by these wonder-working glues. This kind of painting may be the most permanent of all.”

    The works will be exhibited at the entrance of the West Gallery on the fifth floor.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1953 - 1970. 1965, 013.
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