June 16, 1949
On Friday, June 17, the Brooklyn Museum will open to the public an exhibition of 100 examples of the work of its “Art Workshop for Talented Young People”. The exhibition will remain on view through July 4.
“The Brooklyn Museum Art Workshop for Talented Young People” has been sponsored by the Brooklyn Museum since 1941. The students in this group (ages 10 to 14) are selected by a test and the exhibition is proof of the great wealth of talent to be found in the youngsters of our city.
Within this group each child is encouraged to develop his own style and to work in his own fashion. There is no academic training but the individual student is helped and guided along the lines he has chosen for himself. Emphasis is placed on sketching from life and, sketches done during the week, are worked up into oil paintings in the Saturday class session. Mutual criticism among the students is of the greatest help to all members of the group and the discussion sessions held frequently through the year are among the most stimulating and thought-provoking of all.
It is of little importance to the Museum whether or not these children devote their future lives to painting. In awarding scholarships and supplying materials the Museum hopes to encourage a lasting interest in painting and in so doing help these young people to enrich their own lives. No matter what their future professions, we hope their painting will be an endless source of delight.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1947 - 1952. 04-06/1949, 069. View Original