January 13, 1944
Recent accessions in the Department of Prints and Drawings will be placed on exhibition in the small Print Gallery of the Brooklyn Museum on January 14 to continue through March 5. Two outstanding drawings are included; one by Pablo Picasso entitled, “Nude Standing,” was the gift of Mr. Arthur Wiesenberger and the other by Andre Dunoyer de Segonzac entitled, “Model in a Chair,” was acquired through the A. Augustus Healy Fund.
Among the early American prints exhibited are the series of four etchings by Amos Doolittle entitled “The Prodigal Son,” printed in 1814. Also included are two unusual and rare early American lithographs issued by Duval in Philadelphia and drawn on stone by the artist Gustavus Grunewald who worked in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in the 1830’s and 40’s. Examples of the German Expressionist School are exhibited, among which is an early group given to the Museum by an anonymous donor.
Four lithographic posters from a series of political satires entitled “Feuille de Caricatures Politiques” by Roubille and a group of contemporary English prints, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Havemeyer, complete the European group.
A selection of contemporary American prints, including a group from the Now York W.P.A. Graphic Arts Division, are shown. A large portfolio of forty etchings by Rudolph C. von Ripper entitled, “The Soul and Body of John Brown,” issued in a limited edition of 55 and an outstanding example of a contemporary American deluxe publication completes the Museum’s recent accessions in the graphic art.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1942 - 1946. 01-03/1944, 007. View Original