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Portrait Gallery of Distinguished American Citizens after Drawings by W.H. Brown

DATES July 10, 1943 through August 15, 1943
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  • July 10, 1943 Saturday, July 10, the Brooklyn Museum's department of prints and drawings will put on view an exhibition of early American lithographs, “Portrait Gallery of Distinguished American Citizens” by E. B. and E. C. Kellogg, after the drawings of William H. Brown. The exhibition will be installed in the Print Gallery, second floor, and will remain on view through Sunday, August 15.

    The “Portrait Gallery of Distinguished American Citizens” was published in Hartford in 1845. Subsequently almost the entire edition was destroyed in a fire and complete copies are now extremely rare. Three of the finest portraits in the group of lithographs are those of John Marshall, Henry Clay and John Randolph. Other portraits include: George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison. John Caldwell Calhoun, John Tyler, Thomas Cooper, Daniel Webster, etc.

    In addition to the lithographs, this exhibition of important Americana will include a number of the original drawings by Brown.

    (NOTE: Photographs available on request.)

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1942 - 1946. 4-6/1943, 092.
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