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American Folk Art

DATES November 5, 1938 through November 27, 1938
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  • November 5, 1938 An American Folk Art Exhibition will be opened on Saturday, November 5, at the Brooklyn Museum in connection with the American Folk Festival sponsored by the Community Folk Arts Committee. This exhibition will run through November 27. It surveys in selected items typical objects of the North, South and Central areas of America. Early lighting equipment, ceramics, glass, textiles, samplers, quilts, spinning wheels, furniture and household implements will be shown in a series of alcoves created to suggest interiors of colonial times. Many of these items are from the study collection of the Museum and amplify the exhibits in the permanent installation of American period interiors. On loan from the Southern Highlanders Inc. are products typical of the South; for instance pottery, wood carvings, baskets, wrought iron, mats, furniture and several amusing figures such as a lady at a churn, fiddler, hickory nut doll, etc.

    A comprehensive bibliography of books on American Folk Arts has been prepared by the Museum and will be supplied free on request.

    The members of the Community Folk Arts Committee assisted by the members of the American Festival Committee will act as hosts and hostesses at the opening of the Exhibition and the performance of Margot Mayo’s American Folk Dance Group at 3:00 P.M.

    At 2:00 P. M. there will be a meeting of the Community Folk Arts Committee and at 5:00 P.M. a tea for members of the two committees.

    Members of the American Festival Committee are Mrs. Oliver G. Carter, Chairman, Mrs. S. Earle Taylor, Mrs. William H. Bayes, Mrs. David E. Thomas, Mrs. George M. Billings, Mrs. Harold N. Halstead, Mrs. C. B. Gwathmey, Mrs. George Hills Ilor, Mrs. Cornelius Lewis Kelley, Mrs. Harrison W. MacLonathon, Miss Olivia Munroe, Mrs. Willian Pfeiffer, Mrs. Elberon D. Smith, Mrs. W. Palmer Smith, Mrs. Russell T. Starr, Mrs. Albert Beebe, Mrs. Thedore S. Cornell, Mrs. Joseph J. Kerby, Mrs. Thomas Henry McClintock, Mrs. J. Vaughan Storey, Mrs. Franklin Taylor, Mrs. Cornelius H. Tibbaut and Mrs. John W. Vliet.

    The Community Folk Arts Committee is comprised of representatives of various nationality groups in Brooklyn and of the following cooperating organizations: Brooklyn Woman’s Club, Brooklyn Children’s Museum, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn Music School Settlement, Federal Music Theater, Folk Festival Council, Institute at the Academy of Music, International Institute of the Y.W.C.A. The members are Mrs. William Lloyd Garrison III, Mr. Grant H. Code, Mrs. Michelle Murphy, Mr. Laurence P. Roberts, Miss Elizabeth Washburn, Mr. Wellington Sloane, Mr. David Le Vita, Mr. Arthur Leon Moore, Miss Irene Miles, Miss Ada Boss, Mr. Frederick L. Rodofer, Miss Mary Catlin, Miss Margaret Myers, Mr. Rone Kern, Miss Patricia Parmelce, Miss Catherine Van Brunt, Miss Marget Mayo, Mr. Paul Horn, Mrs. Marie Hagopian, Mrs. Alex Kalajian, Mrs. George Kratina, Miss Ann Mortenson, Mr. and Mrs. William Alto, Miss Lilja Wesa, Mr. Chiloas Illiopoulos, Miss Lulu Scourby, Mr. Frank Chiusa, Mr. Raymond L. Novarine, Mr. Michael Saggeso, Mrs. Helen Wise Kulber, Miss Lillian Stitson, Mrs. Alberto Baoz, Mrs. James Kingsley, Mr. Asmud Gotyil, Mrs. Joseph Baluto, Mrs. Stephanie Call, Mr. Bergen J. A. Stenbrg, Miss Bahia Hajjar, Mr. Habib I. Katibah, Miss Litia Namera, Mr. Najeed Sydnawey, and Mr. Michael Herman.

    Supplementing the Museum exhibition and programs, the Y.W.C.A. is planning folk dance under Miss Mayo's direction for three Wednesday night at 8:45 P.M., November 9, 16 and 30, in the Memorial Hall at the Central Branch, 30 Third Avenue, Brooklyn.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1938. 11-12/1938, 177-78.
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