April 20, 1935
The Educational Department of the Brooklyn Museum will open on April 24th (Wednesday) for a period of two weeks an exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, Designs, Masks and Models by students in Pratt Institute. This work is based on the study of Brooklyn Museum collections including library and school service materials, illustrating the arts and life of primitive peoples. Polynesia, Melanesia, Africa and the American Indiana of the Southwest and of the Northwest Coast are represented. The work is by first year students in the Teachers' Training Course end is in preparation for practice teaching classes at the Brooklyn Museum during their second and third years of study. Their work is under the direction of Miss Carolyn Ashbrook of Pratt Institute, Mrs. Michelle Murphy and Miss Hanna T. Rose of the Brooklyn Museum. The first year work in museum research is designed to familiarize the students with the use of museum facilities for study and to give them the necessary background forthcoming that involves the use of these materials with classes.
The models worked out in great detail, show village life in the Arctic, Southwest, Africa, and the South Seas. Some of the masks are exact copies of museum specimens. Others the original designs but done in the spirit of primitive work. Hundreds of gayly colored designs and paintings represent the decorative possibilities to be found in the study of the life and arts of primitive peoples. They also exhibit a professional technique remarkable in the work of young artists just out of high school.
This exhibition will be open April 24 to May 9.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1931 - 1936. 04-06_1935, 061. View Original