January 3, 1932
The exhibition of Fine Prints of the Year 1934 will open at the Brooklyn Museum on Monday, January 7, with a reception and private view from three to six in the afternoon. It will be opened to the public the following day. Fifty-two British printmakers, eight Continental European and forty American are represented. The American prints were selected by Miss Susan A. Hutchinson, Curator of the Print Department of the Brooklyn Museum. The British and Continental prints were selected by Malcolm A. Salaman.
In connection with the exhibition the Museum has published a catalogue with a foreward by Miss Hutchinson. The catalogue contains a brief note on each of the on hundred print makers in the exhibition and reproduced and in which there is an introduction by Mr. Salaman and Miss Hutchinson.
The Americans included are James A. Allen, Peggy Bacon, Gifford Beal, Richard E. Bishop, Andrew R. Butler, John E. Costingan, Kerr Eby, Philip H. Giddens, Anne Goldthwaite, Thomas Handforth, Childe Hassam, Arthur W. Heintzelman, Irwin D. Goffman, Edward T. Hurley, Alfred Hutty, Troy Kinney, Armin Landeck, Robert Lawson, Beatrice E. Levy, Martion Lewis, William Meyerowitz, Frank H. Nackivell, Thomas W. Nason, Robert H. Nibet, Abbo Ostrowky, Roi Partridge, Orville H. Peets, Louis C. Rosenberg, Ernest D. Roth, Alex R. Stavenita, Harry Sternberg, Albert Sterner, Walter Tittle H. Emerson Tuttle, Herman A. Webster, Levon West, Harry E. Wickey, Stephens Wright, and Mahonri Young.
The exhibition is limited to copperplate work and therefore excludes lithography and woodcuts.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1931 - 1936. 1935, 001. View Original
January 7, 1935
The Fine Prints of the Year, 1934, Exhibition opened this afternoon at the Brooklyn Museum with a preview and tea for Museum Members and their guests, and friends of the Museum. Members of the Print Round Table Group acted as hostesses. Mrs. William H. Cary planned the tea table decorations. Mrs. Cary is an authority on such matters and is the author of a book on table decorations.
The hostesses were:
Mrs. Harold J Baily
Mrs. Robert E. Blum
Mrs. J. D. Erskine
Mrs. Henry A. Ingraham
Miss Grave Ingraham
Miss Jessie Post
Mrs. Hugo C. M. Wendel
Miss Helen M. Fogg
Miss Marguerite H. Taylor
Mrs. Louis Lowinson
Mrs. Philip Newell Youtz
Among those present were:-
Mr. Walter Crittenden
Mr. Beaumont Newhall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Sawyer, Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
Mr. Forest Grant
Mrs. William H. Cary
Mrs. George Cary
Mrs. James H. Post
Mrs. Charles F. Zimmele
Mr. Charles F. Zimmele
Miss E. L. Baron
Miss E. H. Baron
Mr. and Mrs. G. Schenck Van Siclen
Mrs. Guy Duval
Miss D.C. Louis
Miss Mary P Burtis
Mr. Morris Greenberg
Miss Mary I. Lott
Miss Jane Hunter
Mrs. Edward Macy
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Spinden
Miss Bertha Hall
Mrs. C. H. Dunlop
Mr. James E. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Mons Breidvik
The Misses White
Mr. and Mrs. John I. H. Baur
Mt. Richmond B. Williams
Mr. F. K. Ruprecht
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Allen
Mrs. Ruby Warren Newby
Miss Edna T. Heald
Mrs. Edward Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. William Meyerowitz (the former Theresa Bernstein)
Mr. Milton Horn
Miss Julia Duval
Mr. J. G. Jennings
Mr. Robert Bersohn
Mr. Charles Z. Offin
Mr. John Hines
Mrs. Henry S. Sterling
Mrs. C. Stuart Gager
Miss Caroline M. Redmond
Miss L. Coulton
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Burbank
Miss Agnes Fernlach
Mr. J.D. Erskine
Major and Mrs. Charles E. Petts
Mrs. R. Edson Doolittle
Mrs. Audrey R. McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Tittle
Miss Mary Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Stevens
Mr. Harold J. Baily
Miss Isabel Bishop
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1931 - 1936. 1935, 002-3. View Original