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Art Work by Students & Graduates of Girls' High School

DATES May 08, 1932 through May 17, 1932
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  • May 1, 1932 A style show and a program showing the intimate relation of Museum and school work will be presented by the design classes of the Girls Commercial High School on the afternoon of May 4 at 3:30. The Program will be given in the Auditorium of the Brooklyn Museum where much of the research work has been done. The program includes:

    A talk by Mr. M. D.C. Crawford, Editor of Women's Wear Daily
    “Museum Influence on Contemporary Design”

    Fashion Show--"The Museum Models come to Life”
    (Featuring the Museum costumes as the inspiration for much of the modern day dress design.) Designs by students of Miss Mildred L. Pike

    Display of costumes draped and sewn by the beginning students in the new dress construction course under Miss Muriel Varick Miss Varick will speak briefly about the "Influence of the Romantic Movement on Present Day Design”

    Miss Henrietta Harmon, Stylist of Loeser's will speak on
    Assembling the Summer Wardrobe,
    (This talk will be illustrated by models from Loeser's)

    It is interesting to note that the majority of the costumes in the Museum's collection studied by these classes were of the 19th Century and chiefly in cotton materials. Recent developments in dress design have indicated a revived interest in the use of cotton.

    Students of the Junior High Schools are invited to attend.

    Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1931 - 1936. 01-06_1932, 037.
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