April 1, 1989
Carlos Alfonzo
Carlos Almaraz
Felipe Archuleta
Luis Cruz Azaceta
Rolando Briseño
Lidya Buzio
Ibsen Espada
Rudy Fernandez
Ismael Frigerio
Carmen Lomas Garza
Roberto Gil de Montes
Patricia Gonzalez
Robert Graham
Luis Jimenez
Roberto Juarez
Félix A. López
Gilbert Luján
César Martinez
Gregorio Marzán
Jesús Bautista Moroles
Manuel Neri
Pedro Perez
Martín Ramirez
Arnaldo Roche
Frank Romero
Paul Sierra
Luis Stand
Luis Tapia
John Valadez
* color slide available
+ black-and-white photograph available
1. CARLOS ALFONZO (Born 1950, Havana, Cuba)
Where the Tears Can’t Stop, 1986 Donde las lágrimas no pueden parar
Acrylic on canvas
Courtesy of Robert Berman/B-l Gallery
Santa Monica, California
Self Portrait #2, 1984 Autoretrato #2
Acrylic on canvas
The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Gift of the Friends of The Corcoran Gallery of Art
+ On Hold in the Blue Line, 1984 Esperando en la línea azul
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of Peter Menendez
Petty Joy, 1984 Gozo
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of Juan Lezcano
2. CARLOS ALMARAZ (Born 1941, Mexico City, Mexico)
Crash in Pthalo Green, 1984 Chogue en verde thalo
Oil on canvas
Collection of Mobil Oil Corporation, New York
Europe and the Jaguar, 1982 Europa y el jaguar
Oil on canvas
The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Gift of the Friends of The Corcoran Gallery of Art
Two of a Kind, 1986 Dos de la misma clase
Oil on canvas
Collection of Robert M. Gold and Nancy C. Lamoreux
Courtesy of Jan Turner Gallery, Los Angeles
Greed, 1982 Codicia
Oil on linen
Collection of John and Lynn Pleshette
Love Makes the City Crumble, 1983 El amor hace que la ciudad se desintegre
Oil on canvas
Collection of Rodney Sheldon
Courtesy of Jan Turner Gallery, Los Angeles
3. FELIPE ARCHULETA (Born 1910, Santa Cruz, New Mexico)
Sheep, 1975 Oveja
Cottonwood, wool and paint
Courtesy of Davis and Christine Mather Folk Art Gallery, Santa Fe
Catfish, 1981 Bagre
Cottonwood, paint, marbles and twine
Courtesy of Davis and Christine Mather Folk Art Gallery, Santa Fe
Porcupine, 1976
Cottonwood, plastic, broomsticks, twine, plastic pipe, paint
Courtesy of Davis and Christine Mather Folk Art Gallery, Santa Fe
Rabbit, 1976 Conejo
Painted wood, plastic pipe and frayed twine
Collection of Paul and Patricia Winkler
Common Rhea, 1976 Rea común
Painted wood and plastic pipe
Collection of Paul and Patricia Winkler
4. Luis Cruz Azaceta (Born 1942, Havana, Cuba)
* The Immigrant, 1985 El inmigrante
Acrylic on canvas
Courtesy of Allan Frumkin Gallery, New York
Self-Portrait as a She-Wolf, 1985 Autoretrato como loba
Acrylic on canvas
Courtesy of Allan Frumkin Gallery, New York
Homeless, 1986 Desamparado
Acrylic on canvas
Courtesy of Allan Frumkin Gallery, New York
5. Rolando Briseño (Born 1952, San Antonio, Texas)
American Fighter, 1985 Luchador americano
Oil on masonite
Collection of New York National Bank, New York
Naturalezza viva, 1986 Living Nature
Oil on wood
Courtesy of Wessel O’Connor Gallery, Rome
Fighting at the table, 1986 Peleando en la mesa
Oil on linen
Courtesy of Wessel O’Connor Gallery, Rome
6. Lidya Buzio (Born 1948, Montevideo, Uruguay)
* + Dark Blue Roofscape, 1986 Paisaje de techo azul profundo
Collection of Betty Asher
Tall Green Roofscape, 1986 Paisaje de techo alto y verde
Burnished earthenware
Collection of Martin and Dawn Davidson
Round Blue Roof scape, 1986 Paisaje de techo azul redondo
Burnished earthenware
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Museum purchase with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. Hugo V. Neuhaus, Jr.
Green Roofscape, 1986 Paisaje de techo verde con iglesia
Burnished earthenware
Collection of Marvin E. Milbauer
Large Blue Roofscape, 1986 Gran paisaje de techo azul
Burnished earthenware
Collection of Katharine and Anthony Del Vecchio
7. IBSEN ESPADA (Born 1952, New York, New York)
Warriors in the Park, 1985 Guerreros en el pargue
Oil and ink on rice paper
Collection of Rundy Bradley
* El Yunque, 1985
Oil and ink on paper applied to canvas
Collection of Rundy Bradley
Aquarium I, 1985 Acuario I
Oil and ink on paper applied to canvas
Collection of Rundy Bradley
Salsa para ti, 1986 Salsa for You
Oil and ink on rice paper
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin A. Levy
Orchestra II, 1986 Orquesta II
Oil, ink and watercolor on rice paper applied to canvas
Collection of Robert M. Gold and Nancy C. Lamoreux
Courtesy of McMurtrey Gallery, Houston
8. RUDY FERNANDEZ (Born 1948, Trinidad, Colorado)
Mocking Me, 1985 Burlándose de mí
Wood, lead and oil on canvas
Collection of Frank Ribelin
Waiting, 1985 Esperando
Wood, lead, neon, and oil on canvas
Collection of Thomas E. Trumble
Sal si puedes, 1985 Leave, If You Can
Wood, lead and oil on canvas
Collection of Dennis and Julie Hopper
9. ISMAEL FRIGERIO (Born 1955, Santiago, Chile)
* The Lust of Conquest, 1985-86 Deseo ciego de conquistas
Tempera and acrylic on canvas
Collection of the artist
The Lurking Place, 1985 Lugar Oculto
Tempera and acrylic on burlap
Collection of the artist
The First Opportunity of Pain, 1985 La primera oportunidad del dolor
Tempera and acrylic on burlap
Collection of the artist
10. CARMEN LOMAS GARZA (Born 1948, Kingsville, Texas)
Doña Sebastiana, 1977 Madame Sebastiana
Paper, mat board and acrylic
Collection of the artist
Día de los muertos ofrenda: Homage to Frida Kahlo, 1979-86 Day of the Dead Offering: Homenaje a Frida Kahlo
Mixed-media installation
Collection of the artist
Self-Portrait, 1980 Autoretrato
Gouache on Arches paper
Collection of the artist
Grandparents Picking Nopalitos, 1979-80 Abuelitos picando nopalitos
Gouche on Arches paper
Collection of Richard Bains
* Faith Healer Sweeping Away Fright, 1986 Curandera barriendo de susto
Gouache on Arches paper
Collection of Lydia Serrata
Watermelon, 1986 Sandía
Gouache on Arches paper
Collection of the artist
11. ROBERTO GIL de MONTES (Born 1950, Guadalajara, Mexico)
Salsa Man, 1984 Salsero
Oil on wood
Courtesy of Jan Baum Gallery, Los Angeles
El auto cinema, 1985 The Drive-In Movie
Oil on wood
Collection of Patricia Storace
The Receptor, 1985 El receptor
Oil on linen on wood
Courtesy of Jan Baum Gallery, Los Angeles
Self-Portrait, 1985 Autoretrato
Oil on good
Collection of Richard and Jan Baum
Weeping Lady, 1984 La llorona
Oil on wood
Collection of David and Ellen Karsbmer
Circular Thought, 1984 Pensamiento circular
Oil on wood
Courtesy of Leila Taghinia-Milani Gallery, New York
Recuérdeme, 1985 Remember Me
Oil on wood
Collection of Peter and Eileen Norton
12. PATRICIA GONZALEZ (Born 1958, Cartagena, Colombia)
* Heart Forest, 1985 Corazón del bosque
Oil on paper
Private collection
Fountain View, 1985 Vista de la fuente
Oil on paper
Private collection
Affection, 1985 Cariño
Oil on canvas
Collection of Candice Hughes
Eccentricities in Nature, 1985 Excentricidades de la naturaleza
Oil on canvas
Courtesy of Robert Berman/B-1 Gallery, Santa Monica
Red Night, 1985 Noche roja
Oil on paper
Collection of People’s Life Insurance Company, Houston
13. ROBERT GRAHAM (Born 1938, Mexico City, Mexico)
Fountain Figure #1, 1983 Figura de fuente #1
Cast bronze
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Museum purchase with funds provided by the Charles Engelhard Foundation
Fountain Figure #2, 1983 Figura de fuente #2
Cast bronze
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Museum purchase with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. Theodore N. Law
Fountain Figure #3, 1983 Figura de fuente #3
Cast bronze
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Museum purchase with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs. Meredeth J. Long
Olympic Torso (Male), 1983 Torso olimpico (masculino)
Cast bronze
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Gift of Lila Acheson Wallace
Olympic Torso (Female), 1983 Torso olimpico (femenino)
Cast bronze
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Anonymous gift
14. GRONK (Born 1954, Los Angeles, California)
* + Cabin Fever, 1984 Fiebre de cabina
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of Daniel Boley
La Tormenta, 1985 Storm
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of Kuwada/Grimm
Broken Blossom Beads, 1986 Cuentas de flores rotas
Acrylic on canvas
Courtesy of Saxon-Lee Gallery, Los Angeles
No Nose, 1986 Sin nariz
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of George and Mary Dundore
15. LUIS JIMENEZ (Born 1940, El Passo, Texas)
* Hanky Tank, 1981-86
Crayon on paper mounted on foam core or plywood, with neon
Collection of the artist
Working Drawing for Howl, 1983 Bocet opara aullido
Oilstick on paper
Collection of Michael Krichman and Leslie Simon
Howl, 1986 Aullido
Cast Bronze
Albuquerque Museum, New Mexico
Working Drawing for Cruzando el Río Bravo (Border Crossing), 1986 Boceto para Cruzando el Rio Bravo
Crayon on paper
Collection of the artist
16. ROBERTO JUAREZ (Born 1952, Chicago, Illinois)
Sun Woman, 1982 Mujer solar
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of Phoebe Chason
Three Birds, 1984 Tres pajaros
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of Paine Webber Group, Inc., New York
Fruit Boat, 1986 Bote de frutas
Acrylic and collage on burlap
Courtesy of Robert Miller Gallery, New York
Broken Cup, 1981 Taza rota
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of Emily and Jerry Spiegel
* Three Mushrooms, 1986 Tres hongos
Acrylic and charcoal on burlap
Courtesy of Tavelli Gallery, Aspen
17. FELIX LOPEZ (Born 1942, Gilman, Colorado) St. Francis, 1982 San Francisco
Cottonwood, pine, gesso, and natural pigments
Collection of Robert and Barbara Bogan
St. Isidore, 1986 San Ysidro
Cottonwood, pine, gesso, natural pigments, leather, and wheat
Collection of the artist
Christ, 1984 Cristo
Cottonwood, pine, gesso, and natural pigments
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McKee III
Our Lady of Hope, 1983 Nuestra señora de la esperanza
Cottonwood, pine, gesso, and natural pigments
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McKee III
St. Joseph, 1983
+ San José
Cottonwood, pine, gesso, natural pigments, and wheat straw
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McKee III
18. GILBERT LUJÁN (Born 1940, French Camp [Stockton], California)
Hanging Out, 1986 De ocioso
Pastel on paper
Courtesy of Robert Berman/B-1 Gallery, Santa Monica
Stepping Out, 1986 Sacando la cara
Pastel on paper
Collection of the artist
* Primo and Spider, 1986 Prima y Spider
Pastel on paper
Collection of the artist
The Dancers, 1986 Los bailarines
Enamel on plywood
Courtesy of Louisa Moseley Charitable Income Trust, South Pasadena
El patron y el artista, 1986 The Artist and the Boss
Acrylic on archival board
Collection of the artist
¿Dónde está la Pelota?, 1986 Where is the Ball?
Acrylic on archival board
Collection of the artist
Hot Dog Meets la Fufu con su Poochie, 1986 Hot Dog se encuentra con la Fufu with Her Poochie
Acrylic on archival board
Collection of the artist
19. COSAR MARTINEZ (Born 1944, Laredo, Texas)
Hombre que le gustan las Mujeres, 1986 Womanizer
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of the artist
* El bizco, 1985 The Cross-Eyed Man
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of the artist
Bata con Sunglasses, 1985 Bat with Gafas
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of the artist
20. GREGORIO MARZÁN (Born 1906, Vega Baja, Puerto Rico)
Striped Butterfly, early i980s Mariposa con listas
Mixed media
El Museo del Barrio, New York
Dachshund, early 1980s
Mixed media
El Museo del Barrio, New York
Striped Dog, early 1980s Perro con listas
Mixed media
El Museo del Barrio, New York
Striped Giraffe, early i980s Jirafa con listas
Mixed media
El Museo del Barrio, New York
Red Goat, early 1980s Cabra Roja
Mixed media
El Museo del Barrio, New York
Grasshopper, 1985 Saltamontes
Mixed media
El Musea del Barrio, New York
Rooster, early 1980s Gallo
Mixed media
El Museo del Barrio, New York
21. JESÚS BAUTISTA MOROLES (Born 1950, Corpus Christi, Texas)
Vanishing Edge, 1985 Borde evanescente
Georgia granite
Courtesy of the artist and Davis/McClain Gallery, Houston
* + Texas Facade, 1986 Fachada tejana
Texas granite
Courtesy of Davis/McClain Gallery, Houston, and
Richard Green Gallery, New York
Georgia Stele, 1986 Estela de georgia
Georgia granite
Courtesy of David/McClain Gallery, Houston, and
Richard Green Gallery, New York
22. MANUEL NERI (Born 1930, Sanger, California)
* Annunciation No. 2, 1981-82 Annunciación No. 2
Bronze with oil-based enamel
Collection of The Lannan Foundation
Green Indians No. 4, 1980 Indios verdes No. 4
Mixed media on paper
The Mexican Museum, San Francisco
Carriona Figure No. 2, 1981 Figura de Carriona No. 2
Marble with oil-based pigment
Private collection; courtesy of Charles Cowles Gallery, New York, and John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco
Untitled V, 1985 Sin titulo V
Mixed media on paper
Collection of Thomson M. and Joanna S. Hirst
Mujer pegada series No. 2, 1985-86 Glued Woman Series No. 2
Bronze with enamel paint
Collection of Laila and Thurston Twigg-Smith
23. PEDRO PEREZ (Born 1951, Caibarien, Cuba)
Living Like a Refugee, 1982 Viviendo coma un refugiado
Acrylic on canvas
Courtesy of Marilyn Pearl Gallery, New York
La Esmeralda (Queen that Shoots Birds), 1982
Mixed media
Collection of Jock Truman and Eric Green
God, 1981 Dios
Gold leaf, acrylic and costume jewelery on wood
Collection of Jock Truman and Eric Green
24. MARTIN RAMIREZ, (Born 1885, Jalisco, Mexico; died 1960, Auburn, California)
+ Untitled (Tunnels and Trains), 1950s Sin titulo (Tuneles y trenes)
Pencil and crayon on brown paper
Private collection
Madonna, circa 1950s
Crayon and colored pencil on paper
Collection of Mr. and Mrs. James Harithas
Untitled (Animal), 1953 Sin titulo, (Animal)
Pencil, tempera and crayon on collaged paper
Collection of Jim Nutt and Gladys Nilsson
Untitled (Proscenium Image), 1953 Sin título (Imagen de proscenio)
Pencil, tempera and crayon on paper
Collection of Jim Nutt and Gladys Nilsson
Untitled (Animal), 1953 Sin título (Animal)
Pencil, tempera and crayon on collaged paper
Collection of Jim Nutt and Gladys Nilsson
Untitled (Horse and Rider), 1954 Sin título (Caballo y jinete)
Pencil, tempera and crayon on collaged paper
Collection of Jim Nutt and Gladys Nillson
Untitled (Cities and Courtyards), 1953 Sin título (Ciudades y patios)
Pencil, tempera and crayon on collaged paper
Collection of Jim Nutt and Gladys Nilsson
* Untitled (Tunnels and Trains), 1954 Sin título (Tuneles y trenes)
Pencil, tempera and crayon on collaged paper
Collection of Jim Nutt and Gladys Nilsson
Untitled (Jesus), 1950s Sin titulo (Jesús)
Crayon on paper
Collection of A. Dennis Kyte and Seymour Surnow
Untitled (Tunnels and Trains), 1953 Sin título (Tuneles y trenes)
Pencil, tempera and crayon on collaged paper
Collection of Jim Nutt and Gladys Nilsson
25. ARNALDO ROCHE (Born 1955, San Juan, Puerto Rico)
The Dream, 1986 El Sueño
Oil on canvas
Collection of Jose B. Andreu
The Spirit of the Flesh, 1980 El espiritu de la carne
Oil pastel on paper
Collection of Myrna Baez
The Source, 1986 La fuente
Oil on canvas
Collection of Jose E. Rovira
The Fall, 1985 La caída
Oil pastel on gessoed paper
Collection of John Belk and Margarita Serapion
Carving the Spirit of the Flesh, 1980 Tallando el espíritu de la came
Oil pastel on paper
Collection of the artist
* Burning the Spirit of the Flesh, 1980 Quemando el espiritu de la carne
Oil pastel on paper
Collection of Marirnar Benitez
26. FRANK ROMERO (Born 1941, East Los Angeles, California)
Toto, 1984
Oil on canvas
Courtesy of Robert Berman/B-1 Gallery, Santa Monica, California
Floor of Blood, 1986 Piso de sangre
Oil on canvas
Collection of Michael Culhane
The Closing of Whittier Boulevard, 1984 Cuando cerraron el Boulevard Whittier
Oil on canvas
Collection of the artist
Still Life with Red Car, 1986 Bogedón con auto rojo
Oil on canvas
Collection of the artist
38 Chevie, 1984 Chevrolet del año 38
Acrylic on canvas
Collection of the artist
27. Paul Sierra (Born 1944, Havana, Cuba)
Mad Dogs, 1984 Perros locos
Acrylic on canvas
Courtesy of Robert Berman/B-1 Gallery, Santa Monica, California
La Famba, 1985 The Famba
Oil on canvas
Collection of George and Mary Dundore
Three Days and Three Nights, 1985 Tres días y tres noches
Oil on canvas
Courtesy of Robert Berman/B-1 Gallery, Santa Monica, California
Cuatro santos, 1985 Four Saints
Oil on canvas
Collection of Cheech and Patty Mann
28. LUIS STAND (Born 1950, Barranquilia, Colombia)
Untitled (Figures with Machetes), 1984 Sin titulo (Figuras con machetes)
Oil on canvas
Collection of the artist
El viejo tigre, 1985 The Old Tiger
Oil on canvas
Collection of the artist
El general sin manos, 1984 The General without Hands
Oil on canvas
Collection of Orlando Godoy
29. LUIS TAPIA (Born 1950, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Reredos, 1986
Carved and painted aspen and pine
Collection of the artist
Death Cart, 1986 Carro de la muerte
Pine, aspen, human teeth and hair, and mica
Collection of the artist
30. JOHN VALADEZ (Born 1951, Los Angeles, California)
* + La Butterfly, 1983
Pastel on paper
Collection of Ann Calhoun
Beto’s Vacation (Water, Land, Fire), 1985 Las vacaciones de Beto (Tierra, agua y fuego)
Pastel on paper
Collection of Dennis Hopper
Fatima, 1984
Pastel on paper
Collection of Peter and Eileen Norton
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1989 - 1994. 1989, 057-73. View Original
May 1, 1989
In conjunction with the major traveling exhibition Hispanic Art in the United States: Thirty Contemporary Painters & Sculptors, which is on view at The Brooklyn Museum from June 9 through September 4, 1989, the Museum’s Education Division has organized a variety of public programs -- many of them free with Museum admission. They include: a daylong symposium, Latin jazz concerts, a bus tour to artists’ studios, bilingual gallery talks, artist walk-throughs of the exhibition, as well as a variety of children’s programs.
An important symposium entitled “Hispanic Art in Perspective” will take place on Sunday, June 18. This dialogue of curators, scholars, critics, and artists will explore the myths and realities of cultural cohesiveness, issues of artistic identity, and frameworks for understanding, evaluating and presenting Hispanic art and culture. Admission to the symposium is $10.00, and preregistration is required.
A full weekend of events, including a special viewing of the exhibition and a bus tour to New York City Hispanic art institutions, will precede the symposium. The symposium is designed to provide participants with a broader view of the artists and institutions continually at work within the Hispanic arts community. There will be an admission charge to these events, and preregistration is required.
Giants of Latin jazz can be heard as part of the Museum’s outdoor-concert series, “Jazz Up Your Summer,” held in the Frieda Schiff Warburg Memorial Sculpture Garden. On Sunday, August 13, at 3 p.m. (rain date: Monday, August 14, at 6 p.m.), conga master Ray Barretto and his Latin Jazz Ensemble will perform in concert. On August 20, at 3 p.m. (rain date: August 21 at 6 p.m.), Paquito D’Rivera and The Havana/New York Ensemble will perform a special salute to Chico O’Farrill, the masterful composer and arranger for The Afro-Cubans, legendary band of the 1940s and 50s. Concluding the series on August 27 at 3 p.m. (rain date: August 28 at 6 p.m.), the renowned Gonzales brothers, Jerry and Andy, entertain with their Fort Apache Band and special guest trumpeters Alfredo “Chocolate” Armenteros and Jose Chombo Silva. The jazz series is free with Museum admission.
On Thursday, July 13, Brooklyn Museum curators Charlotta Kotik and Laural Weintraub will conduct a special tour to the studios of three painters whose work is represented in the exhibition. Luis Cruz Acazeta, Rolando Briseño and Pedro Perez will discuss their techniques and works in progress. There will be an admission charge to this event, and preregistration is required.
The Museum’s popular “Children Meet the Artist” series, which consists of a gallery visit and a hands-on workshop session, continues this summer with two related events. Young people ages 13 and older have the opportunity to meet the painters Luis Stand on Saturday, June 17, at 12:45 p.m., and Rolando Briseño on Saturday, August 5, at 1 p.m. Admission is free, and preregistration is required.
Other programs, including gallery talks and artist walk-throughs in both English and Spanish, as well as a children’s art course related to the exhibition, will be held throughout the summer. For further information on fees, registration and schedules, please call the Education Division at (718) 638-5000, Ext. 230.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1989 - 1994. 1989, 079-81. View Original
April 1, 1989
The first museum exhibition to survey in depth the work of contemporary American artists of Hispanic origin opens at The Brooklyn Museum June 9, 1989. Entitled Hispanic Art in the United States: Thirty Contemporary Painters & Sculptors, the exhibition presents 150 works in a broad range of styles and themes by 30 artists, and includes paintings, sculptures in bronze, wood, stone, and ceramic, works on paper, mixed-media objects, and installations. It will remain on view in the Museum’s East End Galleries, located on the fifth floor, through September 4, 1989.
The exhibition, organized by The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, has been made possible by grants from The Rockefeller Foundation and ARCO Foundation. The national tour is sponsored by AT&T Foundation.
The Hispanic population in the United States comprises a great ethnic, cultural and national diversity. Hispanic Art in the United States reflects this variety with a presentation of Latino artists who have produced vital and progressive art in cities throughout the United States. The artists included in the exhibition are both professionally trained and self-taught painters and sculptors who draw on a multitude of historical and stylistic sources. A few of the artists, such as Luis Cruz Azaceta, Robert Graham and Manuel Neri are well known; most, however, have not as yet established national reputations. While approximately half the artists represented were born in the United States, all currently reside at least part time in this country.
While a number of the works in the exhibition can be identified with more recent mainstream trends in contemporary American art, like Neo-Expressionism and New Image painting, others represent more regional developments that have not been as widely recognized. The southwestern United States, where large numbers of Chicanos (Mexican-Americans) live, is particularly well represented in the exhibition. Also included are works by artists of Cuban, South American, and Puerto Rican heritage.
The exhibition was selected and organized by John Beardsley and Jane Livingston of The Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. for The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Its installation at The Brooklyn Museum was coordinated by Charlotta Kotik, Curator, and Laural Weintraub, Assistant Curator, of Contemporary Art at the Museum.
The exhibition is accompanied by an illustrated scholarly catalogue containing detailed biographies of the artists as well as introductory essays on Hispanic art and culture by Octavio Paz, noted Mexican poet, writer and diplomat; Jane Livingston, Associate Director of The Corcoran Gallery of Art; and John Beardsley, Adjunct Curator at the Corcoran (260 pages; hardcover, $32.50).
In conjunction with the exhibition, the Museum’s Division of Education has organized a variety of public programs. On Sunday, June 18, an important daylong symposium will take place entitled “Hispanic Art in Perspective.” Other programs include bilingual gallery talks, artist walk-throughs of the exhibiton, bus tours to artists’ studios, and a Latin American outdoor concert series. In addition, an audio guide with commentary by some of the artists in the exhibition as well as by scholars on Hispanic art will accompany the presentation.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1989 - 1994. 1989, 076-78. View Original
June 1, 1989
The Brooklyn Museum and AT&T
cordially invite you to the
Press Preview
of Hispanic Art in the United States:
Thirty Contemporary Painters & Sculptors
Wednesday, June 7
10 a.m. to noon
Remarks at 11 a.m.
The Brooklyn Museum*
The Contemporary Galleries and the
Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Gallery
Fifth Floor
Refreshments will be served.
RSVP: The Public Information Department The Brooklyn Museum
(718) 638-5000, extension 330
*Special motor coach service available from the AT&T building, 550 Madison Avenue (at 56th Street), departing promptly at 9:30 a.m., returning at noon. To reserve seating, please call The Brooklyn Museum (718) 638-5000, extension 330.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1989 - 1994. 1989, 075. View Original
June 1, 1989
Temperatura Actual
Group show featuring Rolando Briseño, Ismael Frigerio, and Luis Stand
June 28-August 5 Scott Alan
270 Lafayette
Suite 204
New York, NY 10012
(212) 226-5145
Group Exhibition
Mel Casas, Luis Jimenez, Carlos Almaraz, Patricia Gonzalez, Rolando Briseño, César Martinez, Ibsen Espada, Gilbert “Maju” Luján, and Luis Stand
June 10-July 29 Arte Moderno
382 West Broadway (SoHotel)
New York, NY 10012
(212) 624-0855
Juan Sanchez
June 17-July 22 Exit Art
576 Broadway
New York, NY 10012
(212) 966-7745
David Avalos
June 13-July 28 INTAR Hispanic American Gallery
420 West 42nd Street, 2nd floor
New York, NY 10036
(212) 695-6134
Pedro Perez: Paintings and Sculpture1982-1987
June 7-30 Marilyn Pearl
420 West Broadway, 1 St floor
New York, NY 10012
(212) 966-5506
Latin American Masters
June-August Mary-Anne Martin/Fine Art
23 East 73rd Street
New York, NY 10021
(212) 288-2213
Roberto Juarez and Robert Graham
May 23-June Robert Miller Gallery
41 East 57th Street
New York, NY 10022
(212) 980-5454
New Acquisitions from the Permanent Collection
June-September 3 El Museo del Barrio
1230 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10029
(212) 831-7272
Juxtaposing Perspectives
May 23-July 2
Marius Sznadjderman: Landscapes of the Mind
and Imaginary Presence in Guatemalan Art
June 22-August 5
Current Arrivals
July 6-August 5 The Museum of Contemporary Hispanic Art
584 Broadway, 7th floor
New York, NY 10012
(212) 966-6699
Group Show
Marcos Dimas, Sharon Frazier, Miriam Hernandez, Lee Kleiner, Jesus Muñiz, Fernando Salicrup, Elaine Soto, and Shoko Tanaka
June 24-July 28 Taller Boricua
121 East 106th Street
New York, NY 10029
Hispanic Art in the United States: Thirty Contemporary Painters & Sculptors
June 9-September 4 The Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, New York, 11238
(718) 638-5000
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1989 - 1994. 1989, 074. View Original
June 1, 1989
Eight New York-area artists are represented in Hispanic Art in the United States: Thirty Contemporary Painters and Sculptors, the first major museum exhibition to survey in depth the work of contemporary American artists of Hispanic origin. The exhibition, which opens June 9 at The Brooklyn Museum and will remain on view through September 4, is concluding its two-year, seven-city tour in New York.
The New York artists and many of their colleagues will be present at a gala reception, sponsored by AT&T, on Wednesday, June 7, from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m., to celebrate the opening of the exhibition. Hispanic Art in the United States, organized by The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, has been made possible by grants from The Rockefeller Foundation and ARCO Foundation. The national tour is sponsored by the AT&T Foundation.
The exhibition of 150 works includes paintings, sculpture in bronze, wood, stone and ceramic, works on paper, mixed-media objects and installations.
The eight New York-based artists are Luis Cruz Azaceta, Rolando Briseno, Lydia Buzio, Ismael Frigerio, Roberto Juarez, Gregorio Marzan, Pedro Perez and Luis Stand.
Following are biographical sketches of the New York artists:
LUIS CRUZ AZACETA was born in Havana in 1942 and came alone to the United States when he was 18. He studied at the School of Visual Arts in New York, painting geometric abstractions, and graduated in 1969. He has had numerous solo and group shows, and has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. His paintings are in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
ROLANDO BRISENO, born in 1952 in San Antonio, is of Mexican-American descent. He studied art at The Cooper Union and at the University of Texas in Austin, receiving a B.A. and B.F.A. in 1977, and an M.F.A. from Columbia University in 1979. Virtually all of his mature work was destroyed in a fire in 1985. Devastated by the loss, Briseno moved to Rome. Most of the work in this exhibition was produced there. He now resides in Brooklyn.
LYDIA BUZIO was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1948. She studied drawing, painting and ceramics in Montevideo, and was influenced by the family’s neighbor, Horacio Torres, the son of the Uruguyan painter Joaquin Torres-Garcia. She moved to New York in 1972. Her admiration of frescoes combined with the constructivism of Torres-Garcia form the basis of her work, which consists of frieze-like compositions painted on earthenware vessels.
ISMAEL FRIGERIO was born in Chile in 1955 and studied philosophy and fine arts at the University of Chile. His commitment to painting brought him to the United States, first in 1979, and permanently in 1981. He continues to study philosophy, and maintains ties with Chile, exhibiting there and in the United States.
ROBERTO JUAREZ was born in Chicago in 1952 of Puerto Rican and Mexican-American descent. He received a B.F.A. from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1977 and, following a brief visit to Paris in 1979, moved to New York. His work was included in the Museum of Modern Art’s recent international survey exhibition of contemporary painting and sculpture, and he has had numerous solo exhibitions.
GREGORIO MARZAN, in a pattern typical of self-taught artists, did not begin creating art until late in life. Born in 1906 in Vega Barja, Puerto Rico, he moved to New York in 1937, where he found work in a series of toy factories. Several years into his retirement, he began making fanciful animal sculptures, brightly colored with paint and foil. His work is in the collection of El Museo del Barrio in New York.
PEDRO PEREZ was born in Caibarien, Cuba, in 1951, and came to the United States with his parents in 1966. He received an M.F.A. from the Maryland Institute of Art in Baltimore in 1976, and subsequently moved to New York. His artistic production ranges from painting and drawing to elaborate gold leaf and cut glass constructions.
LUIS STAND was born in Colombia in 1950, and came to the United States in 1969 to become an artist. He studied at the School of Visual Arts in New York, receiving his B.F.A in 1980. He is a painter and sculptor who exhibits regularly both in Colombia and New York.
Brooklyn Museum Archives. Records of the Department of Public Information. Press releases, 1989 - 1994. 1989, 051-53. View Original