Artists and Makers
Irving Underhill
American, 1872–1960
In the Collection
Fire Headquarters, Jay Street, Brooklyn
Irving UnderhillConey Island, Steeple Chase Park
Irving UnderhillProspect Park Plaza
Irving UnderhillBrooklyn Bridge
Irving UnderhillProspect Park Zoo, Bear Cages
Irving UnderhillBrooklyn, New York from Clinton and Fulton Streets
Irving UnderhillIrving Bank Columbia Trust Co.
Irving UnderhillFlatbush Avenue, Brooklyn
Irving UnderhillBalmer's Great Atlantic Bathing and Swimming Baths, Coney Island
Irving UnderhillIntertype Corporation, Foot of Montague Street, Brooklyn
Irving UnderhillPower House Brooklyn Rapid Transit, Kent Avenue, Brooklyn
Irving UnderhillConey Island Boardwalk West from Steamboat Landing
Irving Underhill