Artists and Makers
Antonio Beato
Italian and British, ca. 1825–ca.1903
In the Collection
Louxor Statue de Rameses
Antonio BeatoTemple of Luxor (View of the Court of Amenhotep III)
Antonio BeatoYousouf
Antonio BeatoPyramids at Giza (View from northeast of the pyramids of Chephren and Cheops)
Antonio BeatoFountain in Mosque of Sultan Hassan
Antonio BeatoKarnak Sphinx et Pylone de Ptolomee
Antonio BeatoKarnak Vue du Milieu
Antonio BeatoSehaquieh
Antonio BeatoSphinx et la Pyramide de Chephren
Antonio Beato[Untitled] (Giza, Family of Tourists)
Antonio BeatoHypostyle Hall in Temple of Karnak (View of the Hypostyle Hall)
Antonio BeatoRamesseum, Thebes (View of the southeast of the Second Court)
Antonio Beato