Artists and Makers
In the Collection
Stamp Seal: Lion Head
Ancient Near EasternStamp Seal: Gazelle with Flying Ribbons and Inscription
Ancient Near EasternStandard with Star and Crescent Surmounting Ribbons
Ancient Near EasternStamp Seal: Gayomard Figure Holding Two Poles, Dog Below
SasanianSeal Ring
SasanianMagic Gem
SasanianStamp Seal: Recumbent Griffin
Ancient Near EasternStamp Seal: Two Human Heads
Ancient Near EasternStamp Seal: Ear with Earring
Ancient Near EasternStamp Seal: Recumbent Stag
Ancient Near EasternStamp Seal: Recumbent Gazelle with Plant
Ancient Near EasternStamp Seal: Female Bust
Ancient Near Eastern