Artists and Makers
Ellsworth Kelly
American, 1923–2015
In the Collection
Yellow/Red-Orange, One from a Set of Ten
Ellsworth KellyBrooklyn Bridge Study
Ellsworth KellyBlue/Green, One from a Set of Ten
Ellsworth Kelly[Untitled]
Ellsworth KellyRed-Orange/Yellow/Blue, One from a Set of Ten
Ellsworth KellyHenry Persche
Ellsworth KellyBlue/Black, One from a Set of Ten
Ellsworth KellyBlack/Green, One from a Set of Ten
Ellsworth Kelly[Untitled]
Ellsworth KellyUntitled
Ellsworth KellyYellow/Orange, One from a Set of Ten
Ellsworth KellyVivian Beaumont Theatre
Ellsworth Kelly