All posts in European Art

George Grosz, Otto Dix and World War I

In my last post, I highlighted several of the many prints in the Brooklyn Museum’s collection that, like those now on view in the Käthe…

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German Expressionist Prints at the Brooklyn Museum

The current exhibition in the Herstory Gallery of the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art features the politically engaged work of early twentieth-century artist…

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William Hogarth’s Election series

After more than a year of partisanship, pundits, and polls, as well as a seemingly never-ending stream of gaffes, accusations, and distortions, Election Day has…

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5 Reasons to See Caillebotte By 5 July

Almost every day that the Caillebotte show has been open to the public, I have been in the galleries—to ponder the works, to give tours,…

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The Caillebotte Merchandise Challenge

As the head of merchandising at the Brooklyn Museum, it is my responsibility, along with my staff, to keep the Museum shop stocked with a…

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