V-Day 2008!

Sure, chocolate covered strawberries and steamy kisses are nice. And I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a sucker for those sugary treats with cute sayings like “Be Mine” and “You’re Sweet.” But this February 14, why not become part of a global movement? V-Day!

Eve Ensler is practically a household name thanks to her V-Day movement, which supports consciousness raising awareness events and workshops that respond to the impact of violence against women worldwide. Beginning in 1998, Ensler sought to raise awareness and money to support women who are victims of violent crimes such as sexual assault, rape and harassment. Now, in 2008, the supporters of the V-Day movement have raised more than 30 million dollars worldwide and educated just as many.

So what does this infamous “V” stand for? Valentine, Victory, and of course Vagina. Three symbols that Ensler embraces with pride. Events on V-Day include the re-staging of Ensler’s ground-breaking, Obie-award winning production The Vagina Monologues. Past Vagina Monologues productions have included many talented artists, activists, and performers such as Kirstie Alley, Linda Ellerby, Claire Danes, Robin Givens and Glenn Close, among others.

The Big Apple is a host to a handful of Vagina Monologues performances taking place at colleges and universities, and The New School and New York University are just two of the many colleges participating in this worthwhile event.

Get involved and don’t miss out on the show this week. For more information on V-day performances, or to find out how to get involved, visit the V-Day website.