Resisting Images: Women and Gender Studies Film Series 2007-2008

Information for those who are interested in women making film and video art.

Rutgers University is running Resisting Images: Women in Film,
Women’s and Gender Studies 2007-2008 Film Series, which explores women’s past and present roles in creating films that challenge and create alternatives to the familiar stories and characters promulgated by the Hollywood studio system. The series is open to the public.

Tracey Moffatt’s “Love,” which was included in Sackler Center’s Global Feminisms show, will be shown on October 22, Monday. If you had missed out on this piece, you should definitely visit Rutgers! The series runs on till March next year so mark your calendar for the schedules that interest you.

Monday, October 22 2007, 6:30 pm
“Hollywood Harems” (Tania Kamal-Eldin 1999);
“Meeting of Two Queens”
“Encuentro entre dos Reinas” (Cecilia Barraga 1991);
“Love” (Tracey Moffatt and Gary Hillberg 2003);
“Illusions” (Julie Dash 1983)

Monday, November 26 2007, 6:30 pm
“Sisters of the Screen: African Women in the Cinema” (Beti Ellerson, 2002);
plus shorts by African Women Directors: Safi Faye, Selbe: entant d’autres (1982); Agnès Ndibi,/ Fantococà (2001); Maji-da Abdi, From the other side of the river (2001); Fanta Regina; Nacro, Laafi bala (2000)

Tuesday, January 29 2008, 6:30 pm
“Filming Desire: A Journey Through Women’s Film” (Marie Mandy, 2000);
“Novela, Novela” (Liz Miller, 2001)
“Rang de Nila (Color Me Blue)”*

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 4:30 pm
Artist Siona Benjamin collaborates with classical Indian dancers
Ishrat Hoque and Pranita Jain in a performance related to her paintings.
Benjamin, originally from Bombay, was brought up Jewish in
a predominantly Hindu and Muslim India.
This event is held in conjunction with the exhibitions,
“Tiger by the Tail! Women Artists of India Transforming Culture”
and “Passage to Jersey: Women Artists from the South Asian Diaspora in Our Midst.”

Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 6:30 pm
“Sexto Sentido” (Puntos de Encuentro 2000);
“Honey Moccasin” (Shelly Niro 1998);
“Welcome to Africville” (Dana Inkster 1999)

Tuesday, March 25 2008, 6:30 pm
“Lover /Other: The Story of Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore” (Barbara Hammer 2006)

Take Northeast Corridor Ner Jersey Transit from Penn Station and get off at New Brunswick. The films will be screened at Art History 100 on Douglass campus. You can take a EE or F shuttle at the station to get there.

For more information, please visit: >