Thursday, April 24, 2014
7–7 pm
Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Auditorium, 3rd Floor
Decode the messages and stories hidden within street art. Brooklyn Street Art founders Steven P. Harrington and Jaime Rojo lead a dynamic, multimedia conversation that explores the evolution of street art stories as told by the earliest graffiti writers to today’s D.I.Y. artists. They’ll reveal secret backgrounds, show what stylistic themes are recurring today, and hint at the future of street art in New York.
Tickets are available for $12 at and include Museum general admission. Free for Museum Members; to reserve, please call the Membership Hotline at (718) 501-6326 or email Membership.
Presented in conjunction with the new site-specific installation Swoon: Submerged Motherlands, on view from April 11 to August 24 in the Morris A. and Meyer Schapiro Wing on the 5th Floor.