Wednesday, May 27, 2009
7–8:30 pm
Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Gallery, 5th Floor
Familiarize yourself with the work of emerging Brooklyn artists and develop insider strategies for art collecting. Moderated by András Szántó, senior lecturer at Sotheby’s Institute of Art and co-founder of, the panel includes Danny Simmons, noted artist and collector; Joe Amrhein from Williamsburg’s Pierogi Gallery; Steve Weintraub of Arts in Bushwick; and Jen Bekman of Jen Bekman Gallery and Jen Bekman Projects, Inc.
"Collecting in Brooklyn" is part of Collecting Currently, a new evening series on art collecting in the fluctuating market for both the savvy and the curious. Enjoy a glass of wine while conversing with and learning from curators, scholars, dealers, consultants, and collectors. The second session, "Creating a Niche Collection", will be on Wednesday, June 10, 2009.
Registration is $20 per session ($15 for Members) or $36 for two sessions ($28 for Members). Wine included. Wine bar opens at 6:30 p.m. To register, visit