Talk: David Levine

Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 7–9:30 pm

    Crowds matter—as visitors, as demonstrators, as social media followers. For every technique used to boost public participation, one is invented to discredit it: the protesters were paid, the followers are fake, the audience was packed with her/his friends. In David Levine's opening lecture for the exhibition David Levine: Some of the People, All of the Time, the artist considers the history, theory, and practice of the fake crowd and its implications for understanding both our society and ourselves. Followed by a reception with a cash bar.

    This event is free of charge, but please RSVP.

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    Presented in conjunction with the exhibition David Levine: Some of the People, All of the Time and in partnership with the Onassis Cultural Center New York’s Birds: A Festival Inspired by Aristophanes.

    Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Auditorium, 3rd Floor
