What art style is it?
The style of this painting is called Impressionism, where the "impression" of a place was seen as more important than exact replication. Sargent spent time in France and met the first wave of French Impressionists, including Claude Monet.
You can see the loose brush strokes of pure color that look "messy" close up but form a complete picture from far away. They capture the effect of light on the water, grass, and white clothing!
Tell me more.
John Singer Sargent was an American artist who lived much of his life abroad.
The style of this painting is called Impressionism, where the "impression" of a place was seen as more important than exact replication. Sargent spent time in France and met the first wave of French Impressionists, including Claude Monet.
Take a close look at the brushwork! This quick, loose, and “painterly” application of pigment captures the immediacy of a fleeting moment in time.
This painting shows the "sweetness of doing nothing"--- an Italian phrase. We do not know who modeled for the female figures in this scene, but it has been speculated that they may be the artist's nieces.
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